Track Day Cars - MotorPark Experience #136
Tip Eveniment: Track Day
Track Day For Cars - MotorPark Experience #136
- ATTENTION! The program is changed from 9.30 to 16.00
- Depending on the weather, the event can be cancelled. Please contact us for confirmation 2 days before
- Direction - normal (clockwise)
- The day has 2 open pitlane sessions of 3 hours each (free entry/exit to/from the track).
Conditions and terms of access (please access the links and read):
- The car helmet (open or closed) is mandatory for both the pilot and the passenger. If you don't have one, you can rent it from the track.
- It is mandatory to have a towing system and a fire extinguisher
Payment in advance:
- The advance payment can be made ONLY on 13 and 14 November, when we will know for sure the event will take place
- Half a day (3 hours) = 450 RON. You must choose Open Pitlane 1 (9.30 - 12.30) or Open Pitlane 2 (13.00 - 16.00)
- All day (6 hours) = 600 RON.
- Registration procedure: you must send an e-mail to where you will specify: the driver's name, the number of sessions and a contact phone number. Following the request, you will receive the account where to make the payment as well as any other necessary information. Payment will be made by PO/ internet banking
- ATTENTION! If you do not participate in the event, the amounts paid are NOT refundable and CANNOT be used for another event of this kind.
Payment at the track:
- Half a day (3 hours) = 500 RON. You must choose Open Pitlane 1 (9.30 - 12.30) or Open Pitlane 2 (13.00 - 16.00)
- All day (6 hours) = 650 RON.
- Instructor on the right (6 laps with your personal car) = 250 RON (must be booked in advance)
- Passenger = 20 RON
- Helmet + balaclava = 80 RON
- The price is per pilot.
- Transponders are included in the price
- Boxes can be rented for 550 RON/day/box, subject to availability.
Time schedule
- 09.15 - 9.30 Briefing 1
- 9.30 - 12.30 Open pitlane1
- 12.30 - 13.00 Break
- 12.45 - 13.00 Briefing 2 (for those who did not participate in the first)
- 13.00 - 16.00 Open pitlane 2
Information by phone or whatsapp 0722626191
Information and registration at